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Product Info

Broiler bell drinker parts

Plasson Bell Drinkers – Broilers

PLASSON makes the world’s most reliable poultry bell drinkers. Made of a rugged high-impact plastic, formulated to withstand the ravages of the active poultry house for many years, each bell drinker features a ballast bottle, which acts independently of the bell and eliminates wear on the valve mechanism. Plus, Plasson bell drinkers ensure a constant water level and a dry floor; once a bird drinks as little as 10 grams (0.3 oz.) of water, this highly sensitive and maintenance free system is activated. Our bell drinkers support new humane growing practices for complexes with natural certifications and have become highly popular for outdoor watering in free-range operations.


BroilersWatering & FeedingPlasson

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Drinker Guidelines

Number of recommended drinkers
Broilers 8-10 drinkers needed per 1,000 adult birds



Drinking Systems for Broilers


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